
Showing posts from October, 2018

30 Crypto ATMs Launching in India — Unocoin Unveils Solution to RBI Banking Ban

30 Crypto ATMs Launching in India — Unocoin Unveils Solution to RBI Banking Ban 30 Crypto ATMs Launching in India — Unocoin Unveils Solution to RBI Banking Ban A major crypto exchange in India, Unocoin, has officially announced the launch of its crypto ATMs. CEO Sathvik Vishwanath told news that,   initially, the company plans to deploy 30 machines in three Indian cities. “These ATMs help people to cash in and cash out which was not possible before” due to the crypto banking ban imposed by the country’s central bank.             30 Crypto ATMs in 3 Cities Unocoin has officially announced the launch of its cryptocurrency automated teller machines (ATMs). Last week, the exchange the existence of the project after someone spotted one of the machines and posted a picture of it on social media. Sathvik Vishwanath, Unocoin’s CEO, revealed to news. The first ATM will be operational in Bangalore tomorrow…In the first phase we plan to deploy 30 machines…The first