
30 Crypto ATMs Launching in India — Unocoin Unveils Solution to RBI Banking Ban

30 Crypto ATMs Launching in India — Unocoin Unveils Solution to RBI Banking Ban 30 Crypto ATMs Launching in India — Unocoin Unveils Solution to RBI Banking Ban A major crypto exchange in India, Unocoin, has officially announced the launch of its crypto ATMs. CEO Sathvik Vishwanath told news that,   initially, the company plans to deploy 30 machines in three Indian cities. “These ATMs help people to cash in and cash out which was not possible before” due to the crypto banking ban imposed by the country’s central bank.             30 Crypto ATMs in 3 Cities Unocoin has officially announced the launch of its cryptocurrency automated teller machines (ATMs). Last week, the exchange the existence of the project after someone spotted one of the machines and posted a picture of it on social media. Sathvik Vishwanath, Unocoin’s CEO, revealed to news. The first ATM will be operational in Bangalore tomorrow…In the first phase we plan to deploy 30 machines…The first

Bitcoin to Surpass $200k by 2025?

Bitcoin to Surpass $200k by 2025? For nearly the entirety of 2018, the cryptocurrency space has experienced the doldrums of a bear market and Bitcoin has failed to sustain a price above $10,000 (as of writing this, Bitcoin is stuck in the $6k/$7k range). Numerous investors, especially newer entrants, are starting to capitulate and lose interest in the market. Detractors are louder than ever, notably including Warren Buffet who called Bitcoin “rat poison squared”. “I made the wrong decisions on Amazon and Google” — Warren Buffet (He’s well-respected and deservedly so, but could he be wrong about Bitcoin? )    For many, the onslaught seems like it has no end and shortsightedness has become apparent. Even with diminishing public sentiment and a large contingency that thinks Bitcoin’s future is bleak, I believe Bitcoin will hit $200,000 by 2025: Countdown to Bitcoin Halving in 2020 and 2024 Source: Insider Pro The next Bitcoin halving (or halvening) will occur in May 20


Bitcoin’s raison d’être was artificial scarcity But that wasn’t the No. 1 cryptocurrency’s only practical innovation. Everyone has, at some point, needed to trust that something will happen outside of their control. Until Bitcoin, there were only two choices available: 1) The two parties could transact in person — fairly effective, but impractical. Or … 2) They could pass through a trusted intermediary — a bank, for instance, or a payment provider (like Visa, Mastercard or Amex). This is more practical but requires an even greater level of trust, by both parties, toward a third party. It required the hope and faith that the third party would never abuse your trust, never suffer security breaches and never fail financially. But, what if you didn’t trust second or third parties? And what if you wanted more certainty than just the hope that they’d respect their end of the bargain? Proof-of-Work (PoW) was the answer — Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitco


BLOCKCHAIN SCHOOL WITH CRYPTO GIRIRAJ Here at NewsBTC we believe that education and knowledge is fundamental to the wider adoption of cryptocurrencies and growth of the blockchain industry. We will be expanding our education section by delving deeper into some of the machinations and technology behind the blocks. Our weekly articles aim to provide a greater understanding of how things work in the crypto ecosystem. A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System satoshi nakamoto Following a number of attempts at a digital currency, the most successful being B-money, the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto began working on his whitepaper in 2008. In October of the same year it was published, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. The nine page paper outlined the design and justification for a digital currency with the intention of doing what no other attempt could do before: create an anonymous, trustless, decentralized currency. “What is needed is an electronic paym

New Crypto Investors Should Ignore Volatility, Hold for Five Years’: Charlie Shrem

New Crypto Investors Should Ignore Volatility, Hold for Five Years’: Charlie Shrem Bitcoin advocate Charlie Shrem has said that new crypto investors should not be spooked by the volatility of the asset class, but should rather select a token near the top end of the market and adopt a long-term investment position. “Learn and Have Fun with It” Speaking to Yahoo Finance at the MoneyShow Conference in San Francisco on Thursday, August 23, Shrem advised against excessive exposure to crypto assets on the part of new investors. Acknowledging the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrencies, he said: “You’re putting your wealth in these things, and they break. Things happen. The values go down 90%, then the values go up 100%. I always tell people if they want to get into crypto, ‘How much money if you lost it right now, would you be OK with?’ ‘$500,’ they tell me. So, invest $500 in a basket of crypto, and then just have fun with it. Just enjoy it, learn. There’s a lot o